First Meeting
Hi Everybody,
The first meeting for the Women in CS club will be held on Thursday October 20 in the Wilkenson Center in Cougar Court at 12:00. We can get together and either get brown bag lunches or get something from the CougarEat. The Agenda for the meeting is going to be
* How to get more people involved in the club. According to statistics 10-15% of Computer Science Majors are women. We need to promote the club among undergraduates. I think we can get to most Grad students by word of mouth. Maybe design a flyer and put it up on the board to let everyone know that we are doing this.
* How to get local companies involved in setting up scholarships for women and/or sponsoring the club
* Ideas for Guest speakers
* What we want to do within the perview of this club
Forward this to your friends who would like to come and join the club. Hope to see you all on Thursday.
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