Upcoming Scholarship deadlines
Here are some really good scholarships for women in computing.
1. Society of Women Engineers. Scholarships
2. The Google Anita Borg Scholarship Info
3. AT&T Labs Fellowship program Info
4. Bell Labs Graduate Fellowship program Info
These are some prestigious scholarships for women specifically.
first I would like to excuse for my poor English, I am from Germany and i try my best to write in English. I am discovered this Blog, when I looked for those for people, who are interested also for formal verification and have interests in Model Checking and it was really very much pleased when I read that there are also women, who are interested in this area. Last year I invested very much time in the on-the-fly Model Checker spin, held lectures over and tried other computer scientists to inspire also for this topic . I am particularly interested in the different techniques, which are built into spin straight. If you should sometime get new information about Partial order Reduction, bit State Hashing or other information about spin, then I would be very grateful, if you could inform me about articles you got. I wish you and your team still much joy in the theory and now and then i will visit your Blog.
Many greetings from Germany,
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