Club Meeting Annoucement
Welcome back to a fun filled semester. Hope everyone is settled into their classes by now. Its time to start our fun meetings for the Women in computing club. This is a club where the women in CS get together and have some fun. Our first meeting is
on Thursday, January 26 at 12:00-1:00. It is in Room 2036 JKB. Here is the plan for our first meeting.
- Decide what things we want to do this semester.
- Decide if we want to have a bowling or movie night sometime this semester as a fun activity.
- The pizza was huge success last time, but Moriah is gone on her mission so we don't have source for free pizza anymore. So I thought lets do a junk food potluck for our first meeting. It will be great if any of you can either bake some cookies, or bring some soda etc.Basically anything that is easy for you to lay hands on.
- Also, do a small show and tell. Irene had suggested that earlier and I think it would be a lot of fun. Basically bring maybe an article related to CS stuff, that you found was exciting. Share that with everyone.
- I will bring flyers for distributing to women in 142/235/236. Kristine has volunteered to go to 235 and 236. Since Natalie is the 142 TA, she had offered to announce it in the 142 classes.
- I have arranged for a Guest Speaker to give a talk about the challenges of
developing open source systems. She has been working at Novell for the last 12 years. So tentatively I have planned to have her give the talk on Feb 9. This is the event we can publicize when we to the freshman classes promoting our club.
Hope to see everybody at the meeting
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